Founded in 1998, by Crescent Hill resident and former Crescent Hill Community Council president, Richard Jett, the Spirit of Crescent Hill Award was created to honor outstanding acts of community spirit in the neighborhood. Crescent Hill is blessed to have many wonderful people who love her and are willing to selflessly give their time and talents to make her one of the best places to live in the city. Businesses and institutions as well as individuals have been recipients of the Spirit of Crescent Hill Award. Those honored may be long time members of Crescent Hill or a newcomer who has stepped up and gone to work making Crescent Hill the special place it is.
Do you know a person, business or institution working to make Crescent Hill fabulous? If so, the committee, Steve Imhoff, Evie Wilkinson, Tim Allen, Michele Hundley and Joyce Cossavella, would like to hear from you. Please contact the committee chair Evie Wilkinson at [email protected] with your suggestions and include a short paragraph as to why you are making the nomination. Awards are presented at the annual Dessert with the Mayor event scheduled each fall.
The Crescent Hill Community Council thanks these leaders who have given selflessly of their time and talents to make Crescent Hill a better place to live:
2024: Pastor Tami Recob of Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church, Sara Galvin, Jack Tindal, Kathleen Geile & Alex Cleveland of Crescent Hill Yoga, Will Hobson, and Mike More *Click Here for Photo*
2023: Terry Dunham, Roy Schroeder, Lee’s Famous Recipe, Dot Hagan, Ann Adams
2022: Crescent Hill United Methodist Church. Kate Melican, Debbie Richter(Keller), Red Hog
2021: Tony Kamber, Tom Fearing, Rita Higgins-Myers, Debbie Weibe, Leslie Word, Michaelle Warner *Click Here for Photo*
2020: John Uhl, Steve Porter, Charles Main, Rick and Mary Ellen Harned, Rich and Cheri Gering, Gregory Robertson, and Heady-Cralle Funeral Home *Click Here for Photo*
2019: Joan Hoeck, Cam Corbin, Oscar’s Hardware, Mariel Young, Mona Ball and Dick Humke *Click Here for Photo*
2018: Taylor Mayer, Judith McCandless, John Nation, Evie Wilkinson, Ruth and Bob French/Louisville Academy of Music *Click Here for Photo*
2017: Tara Bassett, Charles Cash, Mike DaRif, Doris Lamb, Barret Traditional Middle School *Click Here for Photo*
2016: Shawn Dikes, Martha Elson, Jon Glassford, Frances Hammers, Judy Sanders, Bourbon Barrel Foods *Click Here for Photo*
2015: Steve Disney, Mark Gaff, Marie Goodwin, Stephanie Miller, Louisville Water Company, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church *Click Here for Photo*
2014: David Fountain, Holly Oldham Hawkins, Amy Parker, Tom Spicknall, Tina Ward-Pugh, Clough Venable, Kathy Weissbach
2013: Lynda Beha, Kathy and Barry Creech, Allan Steinberg, Alice Winkie, DD Williamson
2012: Norma Adams, Dee Allen Judy Gogan, Leslie and Michael Summers,Carmichael’s Bookstore, Lexie’s Trading Post
2011: Steven Bobbie, Darrell Anne Driskill, Miriam Forinash, Diana Gautier, Cynthia Thomas, St. Joseph Children’s Home
2010: Kathleen Batsel, Janine Linder, Kathy Schmitt, Greg Smith, Wakefield-Reutlinger
2009: Cabrina Bosco, Brian Butler, Lorie Jacobs, Jason Seiber, Jim Watters, Jim Conti/Jimmie Conti & Son
2008: Jason Baker, Pat Brinson and Jerry Fielden, Suzanne and Joe Ward, First Capital Bank, Masonic Home, Peterson-Dumesnil House Foundation, John Johnson/The Wine Rack
2007: Tim Allen, Barb Bower, Melissa Mershon, Bill Schuetze, Sam Thomas, Field Elementary School
2006: Michael Berger, Len Dunman, Jane Emke, Steve Imhoff, Berniece Thomas, Jody Swimmer and Rick Lyons/Fitness on Frankfort
2005: Becky Guthrie, Richard Jett, Russ Maple, Barbara Deemer/B. Deemer Gallary, Debbie Oberhauser/Crescent Hill Library
2004: Joyce Cossavella, Michele Hundley, Barb McGee, Pete Melican, Frankfort Avenue Business Association
2003: Grady Clay, Adam Schneider, Margaret and Jerry Heston/Heston Salon, Tim Coury/Porcini’s
2002: Bill Hollander, Sue Ritman, Pat Schmidt, Crescent Hill Garden Club, Tony BoomBozz
2001: Pam Jett, Linda and Bill Ottman, Betty Voit, Joe Winkie, Mike Mayes/Heine Brothers, Louisville Fire and Rescue, Frankfort and Franck Station
2000: Stan Hudson, Bill Ray, Margaret Browning/Margaret’s Consignment, Boy Scout Troop One
1999: Bim Deitrich/Deitrich’s, Sue Gentry/United Crescent Hill Ministries, Gene Heustis, Barb Sinai
1998: Victory Bisig, Nancy Owens, Louise Page, Rosie and Charlie Scott, Joanne Walker