By: Alison Brotzge-Elder, CHCC Communications Chair

Recently, residents and members of the Crescent Hill Community Council have drawn attention to pedestrian safety and ongoing challenges related to drivers not obeying the crosswalks along Frankfort Avenue. There is heightened concern as kids have gone back to school and there are more people driving, walking and biking in the neighborhood.

At the September CHCC Board meeting, board members and residents expressed these concerns to our LMPD 5th Division liaison officer and requested more traffic enforcement near schools on a daily basis. Many people disregard the flashing lights, red lights and speed limits. Currently, state law also prevents neighborhoods from putting up cameras to enforce traffic laws. We are glad to report that LMPD officers, when available, are now enforcing the crosswalk at Frankfort Avenue and Reservoir Avenue, but we need your help!

First, please slow down and yield to pedestrians at all crosswalks with or without flashing lights. It is state law to give pedestrians the right-of-way in a crosswalk and you can be ticketed if you fail to obey.  Second, please tell your friends and family members to obey the traffic laws and yield to pedestrians. We encourage everyone to slow down and pay attention to pedestrians of all ages.

This little step makes our neighborhood safer and even more attractive to residents, visitors and businesses. Thank you for your support! Frankfort Avenue Crosswalk | |

Learn more about the issue:

WLKY: Cars Not Stopping at Crescent Hill Crosswalk Louisville

WHAS 11: Parents concerned over ‘dangerous’ crosswalk in Crescent Hill

WDRB: Louisville residents hope drivers will slow down at ‘dangerous’ crosswalk outside elementary school