By: Cynthia Thomas, CHCC Board PresidentImage of a white woman with dark rimmed glasses in a green fascinator-style hat with pink feathers

Hello Neighbors,

I hope your summer is off to a great start! As we gear up for the upcoming 4th of July Festival, we’re excited to share some updates with you. By the time you receive this edition, the festival will be just weeks away.

We still have some volunteer opportunities available and would greatly appreciate it if you are able to join us. Whether it’s helping with setup/tear down or assisting with activities, many hands make for light work. You can sign up to volunteer now. If you’re unable to volunteer, we invite you to join us at the festival for a day filled with fun and celebration. For more details on the festival’s schedule and highlights, click here.

In addition to our festival preparations, we’re embarking on a campaign to raise awareness about the Crescent Hill Community Council. We’ll be knocking on doors throughout the neighborhood to share information about our council and its initiatives. If we happen to miss you during our canvassing efforts, don’t worry – we have a leave behind postcard for your reference. Our primary goal is to boost membership, but, if you’re interested, we’re also hoping to encourage more neighbors to get involved. Remember, joining the Council doesn’t obligate you to volunteer, but your financial support would be appreciated and we’d love to count you among our numbers.

Finally, our nominating committee is actively seeking neighbors who are interested in serving on our Executive Committee and Board. If you are interested in (or know someone who might be interested in) joining the Board, please reach out to me at We currently have immediate openings on the board, and your involvement would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our community. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in Crescent Hill.