By: Steve Mershon, CHCC Board Member & Reservoir Park Representative

Now is a good time to review the proper procedure for when a train blocks access to the Reservoir Park neighborhood. We are fortunate to have Darren Bush and Matt and Ellie Eldridge who cooperate with Metro Government to allow their driveways to be used as an emergency access for our neighborhood. So how can we help each other during the stress of a train blockage?

The first thing is to call or text someone below who has access to the code that opens the gate. Please remember though that Reservoir Park’s agreement with Metro Government and our gracious neighbors who allow us access is that, unless it is a medical emergency, we should wait 15 to 20 minutes before calling or texting people on the list. Next, realize that the access road is a one lane driveway. This means that getting in or getting out requires patience and cooperation with your fellow neighbors.

Neighbors listed below know the code that opens the gate and volunteer their time to help when the tracks are blocked. Because the road is a one lane, safe passage requires two people to direct traffic flow. Otherwise, people get stuck and movement is much slower. Please be respectful and listen to those directing traffic. Also, remember that as you would not want anyone to drive through your grass, please do not drive on your neighbor’s grass or the Louisville Water Company’s grass. Please be respectful of others’ property. Let’s help each other when the tracks are blocked. When called or texted, the following neighbors will assist in opening the gate and arranging for traffic directors:

  • Darren Bush (502) 836-2165
  • Connor Bush (502) 554-1431
  • Matt Eldridge (502) 640-9278
  • Ellie Lengyel-Eldridge (502) 744-2860
  • Steve Mershon (502) 523-9573
  • Anna Lee Mershon (502) 897-6724
  • Linda Wilhelms (502) 494-3128
  • Paul Pfeiffer (502) 773-1727
  • Patti Hope (502) 648-9575
  • Mike Jarett (502) 418-7879
  • Todd Abel (502) 235-8006
  • Mary T. Aquatic Center (502) 897-9949
  • Cathy Lilly at Village Manor (502) 899-3204