Summer Garden Tips

From our friends at the Crescent Hill Garden Club Early summer is such a beautiful time in Crescent Hill! The Spring ephemerals are long gone, making room for lilies, roses, many summer perennials. The annual flowers and vegetables are starting to take off. The hard...

Time for Summer Fun at the Peterson Dumesnil House

As we greet another summer, we also wish a Happy 155th Birthday to our beloved Peterson Dumesnil House! For 155 years, the House has served as a distinctive feature in our community and provided the neighborhood with a sense of historic identity. But, did you know the...

A Message from Councilman Andrew Owen

May and June are officially budget season at Metro Council.  As a member of the Budget Committee this is a very busy time of the year for my colleagues and me.  The result of these budget negotiations will be instrumental in how Metro Government will operate from July...